
long-run average value of a random variable

બાહ્ય સ્રોતો

ફ્રીબેઝ આઈડી
Microsoft Academic ID
Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine ID
Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID

subject named as: expected value

અન્ય નામ Q નંબર વગર: Ken Stewart

Zhihu topic ID

subject named as: 期望值

JSTOR topic ID (archived)
Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version)
IEV number
nLab ID
MathWorld ID
OpenAlex ID
Online PWN Encyclopedia ID
જીએનડી ઓળખ
Brilliant Wiki ID
Great Russian Encyclopedia portal ID
STW Thesaurus for Economics ID

mapping relation type: exact match

નો પેટા-પ્રકાર

arithmetic mean

facet of



defining formula


in defining formula

symbol represents: expectation

symbol represents: વિધેય

symbol represents: random variable

symbol represents: sample space

symbol represents: probability

symbol represents: વાસ્તવિક સંખ્યાઓનો ગણ

symbol represents: distribution function

quantity symbol (LaTeX)


Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947)

statement is subject of: Q109308632

ISO 3534-1:2006(en) Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols — Part 1: General statistical terms and terms used in probability

subject named as: expectation

section, verse, paragraph, or clause: 2.12

Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7

પૃષ્ઠ / પૃષ્ઠો: 141

is invariant under

Mean-preserving spread

on focus list of Wikimedia project

Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4

સમય બિંદુ: ૩૧ ઓક્ટોબર 2022

maintained by WikiProject

WikiProject Mathematics

થી જુદું



  1. Freebase Data Dumps, ૨૮ ઓક્ટોબર 2013
  2. OpenAlex, ૨૬ જાન્યુઆરી 2022, https://docs.openalex.org/download-snapshot/snapshot-data-format
  3. ૩.૦ ૩.૧ ISO 3534-1:2006(en) Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols — Part 1: General statistical terms and terms used in probability, 2.12