events, developments or states in time which have yet to occur
temporal entity
નો પેટા-પ્રકાર
નો ભાગ છે
નું વિરોધિ
થી જુદું
De Toekomst
કોમન્સ શ્રેણી
વિષયની મુખ્ય શ્રેણી
This is an automatic view based on data from વિકિડેટા.
There is not a complete article yet, but you can help creating one.
events, developments or states in time which have yet to occur
ફ્રીબેઝ આઈડી | |
Fandom wiki ID | ru.future ભાષા: રશિયન |
Klexikon article ID | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | |
Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID | science/future subject named as: future |
Treccani's Dizionario di Filosofia ID | |
museum-digital tag ID | |
KBpedia ID | |
BBC Things ID | |
ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID | |
ProofWiki ID | |
Iconclass notation | |
TED topic ID | |
WordNet 3.1 Synset ID | 15146567-n |
Lex ID | |
Zhihu topic ID | 19552998 subject named as: 未来 |
WikiKids ID | |
Vikidia article ID | |
Giant Bomb ID | |
AniDB tag ID | |
Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ID | |
Quora topic ID | |
PACTOLS thesaurus ID | |
જીએનડી ઓળખ | |
NicoNicoPedia ID | |
OmegaWiki Defined Meaning | |
YSO ID | |
STW Thesaurus for Economics ID | 28482-2 mapping relation type: exact match |
De Agostini ID | futuro subject named as: futuro |