વિભાગ:Coordinates: આવૃત્તિઓ વચ્ચેનો તફાવત

Content deleted Content added
નાનું correct zero padded strings in non-latin languages
નાનું en:Module:Coordinates માંથી આયાત કરેલ ૬ પુનરાવર્તનો
લીટી ૧:
This module is intended to replace the functionality of {{Coord}} and related
__ __ _ _ ____ _ _ _
templates. It provides several methods, including
| \/ | ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _ / ___|___ ___ _ __ __| (_)_ __ __ _| |_ ___ ___
| |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ (_) | / _ \ / _ \| '__/ _` | | '_ \ / _` | __/ _ \/ __|
| | | | (_) | (_| | |_| | | __/_| |__| (_) | (_) | | | (_| | | | | | (_| | || __/\__ \
|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___(_)\____\___/ \___/|_| \__,_|_|_| |_|\__,_|\__\___||___/
{{#invoke:Coordinates | coord }} : General function formatting and displaying
This module is intended to provide functionality of {{location}} and related
coordinate values.
{{#invoke:Coordinates | dec2dms }} : Simple function for converting decimal
Please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at Module:Coordinates/sandbox and testing
degree values to DMS format.
at Module:Coordinates/sandbox/testcases and Module talk:Coordinates/sandbox/testcases.
{{#invoke:Coordinates | dms2dec }} : Simple function for converting DMS format
Authors and maintainers:
to decimal degree format.
* User:Jarekt
* User:Ebraminio
{{#invoke:Coordinates | link }} : Export the link used to reach the tools
*function p.LocationTemplateCore(frame)
**function p.GeoHack_link(frame)
***function p.lat_lon(frame)
****function p._deg2dms(deg,lang)
***function p.externalLink(frame)
****function p._externalLink(site, globe, latStr, lonStr, lang, attributes)
**function p._getHeading(attributes)
**function p.externalLinksSection(frame)
***function p._externalLink(site, globe, latStr, lonStr, lang, attributes)
*function p.getHeading(frame)
*function p.deg2dms(frame)
require('Module:No globals')
-- =======================================
-- === Dependencies ======================
-- =======================================
local i18n = require('Module:I18n/coordinates') -- get localized translations of site names
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
local math_mod = require("Module:Math")
-- =======================================
local coordinates = {};
-- === Hardwired parameters ==============
-- =======================================
local current_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
-- Angles associated with each abbreviation of compass point names. See [[:en:Points of the compass]]
local page_name = mw.uri.encode( current_page.prefixedText, 'WIKI' );
local compass_points = {
local coord_link = '//tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=' .. page_name .. '&params='
N = 0,
NBE = 11.25,
NNE = 22.5,
NEBN = 33.75,
NE = 45,
NEBE = 56.25,
ENE = 67.5,
EBN = 78.75,
E = 90,
EBS = 101.25,
ESE = 112.5,
SEBE = 123.75,
SE = 135,
SEBS = 146.25,
SSE = 157.5,
SBE = 168.75,
S = 180,
SBW = 191.25,
SSW = 202.5,
SWBS = 213.75,
SW = 225,
SWBW = 236.25,
WSW = 247.5,
WBS = 258.75,
W = 270,
WBN = 281.25,
WNW = 292.5,
NWBW = 303.75,
NW = 315,
NWBN = 326.25,
NNW = 337.5,
NBW = 348.75,
--[[ Helper function, replacement for {{coord/display/title}} ]]
-- files to use for different headings
local function displaytitle(s, notes)
local heading_icon = {
local l = "[[Geographic coordinate system|Coordinates]]: " .. s
[ 1] = 'File:Compass-icon bb N.svg',
local co = '<span id="coordinates">' .. l .. notes .. '</span>';
[ 2] = 'File:Compass-icon bb NbE.svg',
return '<span style="font-size: small;">' .. co .. '</span>';
[ 3] = 'File:Compass-icon bb NNE.svg',
[ 4] = 'File:Compass-icon bb NEbN.svg',
[ 5] = 'File:Compass-icon bb NE.svg',
[ 6] = 'File:Compass-icon bb NEbE.svg',
[ 7] = 'File:Compass-icon bb ENE.svg',
[ 8] = 'File:Compass-icon bb EbN.svg',
[ 9] = 'File:Compass-icon bb E.svg',
[10] = 'File:Compass-icon bb EbS.svg',
[11] = 'File:Compass-icon bb ESE.svg',
[12] = 'File:Compass-icon bb SEbE.svg',
[13] = 'File:Compass-icon bb SE.svg',
[14] = 'File:Compass-icon bb SEbS.svg',
[15] = 'File:Compass-icon bb SSE.svg',
[16] = 'File:Compass-icon bb SbE.svg',
[17] = 'File:Compass-icon bb S.svg',
[18] = 'File:Compass-icon bb SbW.svg',
[19] = 'File:Compass-icon bb SSW.svg',
[20] = 'File:Compass-icon bb SWbS.svg',
[21] = 'File:Compass-icon bb SW.svg',
[22] = 'File:Compass-icon bb SWbW.svg',
[23] = 'File:Compass-icon bb WSW.svg',
[24] = 'File:Compass-icon bb WbS.svg',
[25] = 'File:Compass-icon bb W.svg',
[26] = 'File:Compass-icon bb WbN.svg',
[27] = 'File:Compass-icon bb WNW.svg',
[28] = 'File:Compass-icon bb NWbW.svg',
[29] = 'File:Compass-icon bb NW.svg',
[30] = 'File:Compass-icon bb NWbN.svg',
[31] = 'File:Compass-icon bb NNW.svg',
[32] = 'File:Compass-icon bb NbW.svg'
--[[ Helper function, Replacement for {{coord/display/inline}} ]]
-- URL definitions for different sites. Strings: $lat, $lon, $lang, $attr, $page will be
local function displayinline(s, notes)
-- replaced with latitude, longitude, language code, GeoHack attribution parameters and full-page-name strings.
return s .. notes
local SiteURL = {
GeoHack = '//tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=$page&params=$lat_N_$lon_E_$attr&language=$lang',
GoogleEarth = '//tools.wmflabs.org/geocommons/earth.kml?latdegdec=$lat&londegdec=$lon&scale=10000&commons=1',
Proximityrama = '//tools.wmflabs.org/geocommons/proximityrama?latlon=$lat,$lon',
OpenStreetMap1 = '//tools.wmflabs.org/wiwosm/osm-on-ol/commons-on-osm.php?zoom=16&lat=$lat&lon=$lon',
OpenStreetMap2 = '//tools.wmflabs.org/osm4wiki/cgi-bin/wiki/wiki-osm.pl?project=Commons&article=$page&l=$level',
GoogleMaps = {
Mars = '//www.google.com/mars/#lat=$lat&lon=$lon&zoom=8',
Moon = '//www.google.com/moon/#lat=$lat&lon=$lon&zoom=8',
Earth = '//tools.wmflabs.org/wp-world/googlmaps-proxy.php?page=http://tools.wmflabs.org/kmlexport/%3Fproject%3DCommons%26article%3D$page&l=$level&output=classic'
-- Categories
local CoorCat = {
File = '[[Category:Media with locations]]',
Gallery = '[[Category:Galleries with coordinates]]',
Category = '[[Category:Categories with coordinates]]',
wikidata0 = '[[Category:Pages with coordinates from Wikidata]]',
wikidata1 = '[[Category:Pages with local coordinates and matching Wikidata coordinates]]',
wikidata2 = '[[Category:Pages with local coordinates and similar Wikidata coordinates]]',
wikidata3 = '[[Category:Pages with local coordinates and mismatching Wikidata coordinates]]',
wikidata4 = '[[Category:Pages with local coordinates and missing Wikidata coordinates]]',
wikidata5 = '[[Category:Pages with locations and Wikidata ID to wrong type of entry]]',
globe = '[[Category:Media with %s locations]]',
default = '[[Category:Media with default locations]]',
attribute = '[[Category:Media with erroneous geolocation attributes]]',
erroneous = '[[Category:Media with erroneous locations]]<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">Error: Invalid parameters!</span>\n'
--[[ Helper function, used in detecting DMS formatting ]]
local function getArgs(frame)
local function dmsTest(first, second)
args = frame.args
if type(first) ~= 'string' or type(second) ~= 'string' then
if not (args.lang and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(args.lang)) then
return nil
args.lang = frame:callParserFunction("int","lang") -- get user's chosen language
local s = (first .. second):upper()
return args
return s:find('^[NS][EW]$') or s:find('^[EW][NS]$')
local NoLatLonString = 'latitude, longitude'
--[[ Wrapper function to grab args, see Module:Arguments for this function's documentation. ]]
local function langSwitch(list,lang)
local function makeInvokeFunc(funcName)
local langList = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(lang)
return function (frame)
local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
for i,language in ipairs(langList) do
wrappers = 'Template:Coord'
if list[language] then
return list[language]
return coordinates[funcName](args, frame)
--[[ Helper function, handle optional args. ]]
local function add_maplink(lat, lon, marker, text)
local function optionalArg(arg, supplement)
local tstr = ''
return arg and arg .. supplement or ''
if text then
tstr = string.format('text="%s" ', text)
return string.format('<maplink %szoom="13" latitude="%f" longitude="%f" class="no-icon">{'..
' "type": "Feature",'..
' "geometry": { "type":"Point", "coordinates":[%f, %f] },'..
' "properties": { "marker-symbol":"%s", "marker-size": "large", "marker-color": "0050d0" }'..
'}</maplink>', tstr, lat, lon, lon, lat, marker)
local function add_maplink2(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
Formats any error messages generated for display
return string.format('<maplink zoom="13" latitude="%f" longitude="%f" class="no-icon">[{'..
' "type": "Feature",'..
local function errorPrinter(errors)
' "geometry": { "type":"Point", "coordinates":[%f, %f] },'..
local result = ""
' "properties": { "marker-symbol":"c", "marker-size": "large", "marker-color": "0050d0", "title": "Location on Wikimedia Commons" }'..
for i,v in ipairs(errors) do
local errorHTML = '<strong class="error">Coordinates: ' .. v[2] .. '</strong>'
' "type": "Feature",'..
result = result .. errorHTML .. "<br />"
' "geometry": { "type":"Point", "coordinates":[%f, %f] },'..
' "properties": { "marker-symbol":"w", "marker-size": "large", "marker-color": "228b22", "title": "Location on Wikidata" }'..
return result
'}]</maplink>', lat2, lon2, lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)
local function info_box(text)
Determine the required CSS class to display coordinates
return string.format('<table class="messagebox plainlinks layouttemplate" style="border-collapse:collapse; border-width:2px; border-style:solid; width:100%%; clear: both; '..
'border-color:#f28500; background:#ffe;direction:ltr; border-left-width: 8px; ">'..
'<td class="mbox-image" style="padding-left:.9em;">'..
' [[File:Commons-emblem-issue.svg|class=noviewer|45px]]</td>'..
'<td class="mbox-text" style="">%s</td>'..
'</tr></table>', text)
Usually geo-nondefault is hidden by CSS, unless a user has overridden this for himself
local function mergeWithWikidata(q, lat1, lon1)
default is the mode as specificied by the user when calling the {{coord}} template
-- we are given wikidata q-code so look up the coordinates
mode is the display mode (dec or dms) that we will need to determine the css class for
local dist_str=''
-- Wikiata coordinates
local function displayDefault(default, mode)
if q:match( '^[Qq]%d+$' ) then
if default == "" then
entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(q)
default = "dec"
if default == mode then
return "geo-default"
return "geo-nondefault"
entity = q
q = entity.id
local v, lat2, lon2, precision
if entity then
local P625 = entity:getBestStatements( 'P625' ) -- coordinate location
local P159 = entity:getBestStatements( 'P159' ) -- headquarters location
Output formatter. Takes the structure generated by either parseDec
if P625[1] and P625[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.latitude then
or parseDMS and formats it for inclusion on Wikipedia.
v = P625[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value
elseif P159[1] and P159[1].qualifiers and P159[1].qualifiers.P625 then
local function specPrinter(args, coordinateSpec)
v = P159[1].qualifiers.P625[1].datavalue.value
local uriComponents = coordinateSpec["param"]
if uriComponents == "" then
if v and v.globe == 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2' then
-- RETURN error, should never be empty or nil
lat2 = v.latitude
return "ERROR param was empty"
lon2 = v.longitude
precision = v.precision or 1e-4
precision = math.floor(precision*111000) -- convert precision from degrees to meters and round
precision = math.max(math.min(precision,111000),5) -- bound precision to a number between 5 meters and 1 degree
if args["name"] then
uriComponents = uriComponents .. "&title=" .. mw.uri.encode(coordinateSpec["name"])
-- compare coordinates
local cat = ''
if not lat1 or not lon1 then -- wikidata coordinates only
local geodmshtml = '<span class="geo-dms" title="Maps, aerial photos, and other data for this location">'
lat1 = lat2
.. '<span class="latitude">' .. coordinateSpec["dms-lat"] .. '</span> '
lon1 = lon2
.. '<span class="longitude">' ..coordinateSpec["dms-long"] .. '</span>'
cat = CoorCat.wikidata0
.. '</span>'
elseif lat1 and lon1 and not lat2 and not lon2 then
cat = string.format('The above coordinates are missing from linked Wikidata item [[d:%s|%s]]. Click <span class=\"plainlinks\" title=\"Click to copy to wikidata\">'..
"[https://tools.wmflabs.org/quickstatements/#v1=%s%%09P625%%09@%09.5f/%09.5f%%09S143%%09Q565 here]</span> to copy it",
q, q, q, lat1, lon1)
cat = CoorCat.wikidata4 .. info_box(cat)
elseif lat1 and lon1 and lat2 and lon2 then
-- calculate distance
local dLat = math.rad(lat1-lat2)
local dLon = math.rad(lon1-lon2)
local d = math.pow(math.sin(dLat/2),2) + math.pow(math.sin(dLon/2),2) * math.cos(math.rad(lat1)) * math.cos(math.rad(lat2))
d = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(d), math.sqrt(1-d)) -- angular distance in radians
d = 6371000 * d -- radians to meters conversion
d = math.floor(d+0.5) -- rind it to even meters
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local info = frame:preprocess(add_maplink2(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)) -- fancy link to OSM
info = string.format("There is a discrepancy of %i meters between the above coordinates and the ones stored at linked Wikidata item [[d:%s|%s]] (%s, precision: %i m). "..
'Please reconcile them. To copy Commons coordinates to Wikidata, click <span class=\"plainlinks\" title=\"Click to copy to wikidata\">'..
"[https://tools.wmflabs.org/quickstatements/#v1=%s%%09P625%%09@%09.5f/%09.5f%%09S143%%09Q565 here]</span>",
d, q, q, info, precision, q, lat1, lon1)
local lat = tonumber( coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] ) or 0
if d<20 or d<precision then -- will consider location within 20 meters or precisi0on distance as the same
local geodeclat
cat = CoorCat.wikidata1
if lat < 0 then
dist_str = string.format(' (discrepancy of %i meters between the above coordinates and the ones stored on Wikidata)', d) -- will be displayed when hovering a mouse above wikidata icon
-- FIXME this breaks the pre-existing precision
elseif d>1000 and d>5*precision then -- locations 1 km off and 5 precision distances away are likely wrong
geodeclat = tostring(coordinateSpec["dec-lat"]):sub(2) .. "°S"
cat = CoorCat.wikidata3 .. info_box(info)
geodeclat = (coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] or 0) .. "°N"
cat = CoorCat.wikidata2 .. info_box(info)
local long = tonumber( coordinateSpec["dec-long"] ) or 0
local geodeclong
if long < 0 then
-- FIXME does not handle unicode minus
geodeclong = tostring(coordinateSpec["dec-long"]):sub(2) .. "°W"
geodeclong = (coordinateSpec["dec-long"] or 0) .. "°E"
local geodechtml = '<span class="geo-dec" title="Maps, aerial photos, and other data for this location">'
-- verify proper P31 (instance of). List is based on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property_talk:P625
.. geodeclat .. ' '
local QCodes = {
.. geodeclong
Q5 = 1, -- human
.. '</span>'
Q11879590 = 1, -- female given name
Q202444 = 1, -- given name
local geonumhtml = '<span class="geo">'
Q12308941 = 1, -- male given name
.. coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] .. '; '
Q4167836 = 1, -- Wikimedia category
.. coordinateSpec["dec-long"]
Q4167410 = 1, -- Wikimedia disambiguation page
.. '</span>'
Q783794 = 2, -- company
Q4830453 = 2, -- business enterprise
local inner = '<span class="' .. displayDefault(coordinateSpec["default"], "dms" ) .. '">' .. geodmshtml .. '</span>'
.. '<span class="geo-multi-punct">&#xfeff; / &#xfeff;</span>'
s = entity:getBestStatements( 'P31' )
.. '<span class="' .. displayDefault(coordinateSpec["default"], "dec" ) .. '">';
if s[1] and s[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value['id'] then
local instanceOf = s[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value['id']
if QCodesnot args[instanceOf"name"] then
inner = inner .. geodechtml
cat = '' -- wipe out categories
.. '<span style="display:none">&#xfeff; / ' .. geonumhtml .. '</span></span>'
if QCodes[instanceOf]==1 then -- add problem category
cat = CoorCat.wikidata5
inner = inner .. '<span class="vcard">' .. geodechtml
.. '<span style="display:none">&#xfeff; / ' .. geonumhtml .. '</span>'
.. '<span style="display:none">&#xfeff; (<span class="fn org">'
.. args["name"] .. '</span>)</span></span></span>'
return '<span class="plainlinks nourlexpansion">' ..
'[' .. coord_link .. uriComponents .. ' ' .. inner .. ']' .. '</span>'
--[[ Helper function, convert decimal to degrees ]]
local function convert_dec2dms_d(coordinate)
local d = math_mod._round( coordinate, 0 ) .. "°"
return d .. ""
--[[ Helper function, convert decimal to degrees and minutes ]]
local function convert_dec2dms_dm(coordinate)
coordinate = math_mod._round( coordinate * 60, 0 );
local m = coordinate % 60;
coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - m) / 60 );
local d = coordinate % 360 .."°"
return lat1,d lon1,.. qstring.format( "%02d′", cat,m dist_str)
--[[ Helper function, convert decimal to degrees, minutes, and seconds ]]
-- =======================================
local function convert_dec2dms_dms(coordinate)
-- === Functions =========================
coordinate = math_mod._round( coordinate * 60 * 60, 0 );
-- =======================================
local s = coordinate % 60
p = {}
coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - s) / 60 );
local m = coordinate % 60
coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - m) / 60 );
local d = coordinate % 360 .."°"
return d .. string.format( "%02d′", m ) .. string.format( "%02d″", s )
-- parse attribute variable returning desired field (used for debugging)
function p.parseAttribute(frame)
return string.match(mw.text.decode(frame.args[1]), mw.text.decode(frame.args[2]) .. ':' .. '([^_]*)') or ''
Helper function, convert decimal latitude or longitude to
Parse attribute variable returning heading field. If heading is a string than
degrees, minutes, and seconds format based on the specified precision.
try to convert it to an angle
local function convert_dec2dms(coordinate, firstPostfix, secondPostfix, precision)
function p.getHeading(frame)
local coord = tonumber(coordinate)
local attributes
local postfix
if frame.args[1] then
if coord >= 0 then
attributes = frame.args[1]
postfix = firstPostfix
elseif frame.args.attributes then
attributes = frame.args.attributes
postfix = secondPostfix
return ''
local hNum = p._getHeading(attributes)
precision = precision:lower();
if hNum == nil then
if precision == "dms" then
return ''
return convert_dec2dms_dms( math.abs( coord ) ) .. postfix;
elseif precision == "dm" then
return convert_dec2dms_dm( math.abs( coord ) ) .. postfix;
elseif precision == "d" then
return convert_dec2dms_d( math.abs( coord ) ) .. postfix;
return tostring(hNum)
-- Helper core function for getHeading.
Convert DMS format into a N or E decimal coordinate
function p._getHeading(attributes)
if attributes == nil then
local function convert_dms2dec(direction, degrees_str, minutes_str, seconds_str)
return nil
local degrees = tonumber(degrees_str)
local minutes = tonumber(minutes_str) or 0
local seconds = tonumber(seconds_str) or 0
local factor = 1
if direction == "S" or direction == "W" then
factor = -1
local hStr = string.match(mw.text.decode(attributes), 'heading:([^_]*)')
local precision = 0
if hStr == nil then
if seconds_str then
return nil
precision = 5 + math.max( math_mod._precision(seconds_str), 0 );
elseif minutes_str and minutes_str ~= '' then
precision = 3 + math.max( math_mod._precision(minutes_str), 0 );
precision = math.max( math_mod._precision(degrees_str), 0 );
local hNum = tonumber( hStr )
local decimal = factor * (degrees+(minutes+seconds/60)/60)
if hNum == nil then
return string.format( "%." .. precision .. "f", decimal ) -- not tonumber since this whole thing is string based.
hStr = string.upper (hStr)
hNum = compass_points[hStr]
Checks input values to for out of range errors.
local function validate( lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, long_d, long_m, long_s, source, strong )
local errors = {};
lat_d = tonumber( lat_d ) or 0;
lat_m = tonumber( lat_m ) or 0;
lat_s = tonumber( lat_s ) or 0;
long_d = tonumber( long_d ) or 0;
long_m = tonumber( long_m ) or 0;
long_s = tonumber( long_s ) or 0;
if strong then
if lat_d < 0 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude degrees < 0 with hemisphere flag"})
if long_d < 0 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude degrees < 0 with hemisphere flag"})
#coordinates is inconsistent about whether this is an error. If globe: is
specified, it won't error on this condition, but otherwise it will.
For not simply disable this check.
if long_d > 180 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude degrees > 180 with hemisphere flag"})
if lat_d > 90 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude degrees > 90"})
if hNumlat_d ~=< nil-90 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude degrees < -90"})
hNum = hNum%360
if lat_m >= 60 then
return hNum
table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude minutes >= 60"})
if lat_m < 0 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude minutes < 0"})
if lat_s >= 60 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude seconds >= 60"})
if lat_s < 0 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude seconds < 0"})
if long_d >= 360 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude degrees >= 360"})
if long_d <= -360 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude degrees <= -360"})
if long_m >= 60 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude minutes >= 60"})
if long_m < 0 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude minutes < 0"})
if long_s >= 60 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude seconds >= 60"})
if long_s < 0 then
table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude seconds < 0"})
return errors;
Convert degrees to degrees/minutes/seconds notation commonly used when displaying
1) latitude or longitude angle in degrees
2) georeference precision in degrees
3) language used in formatting of the number
function p.deg2dms(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local degree = tonumber(args[1])
local degPrec = tonumber(args[2]) or 0-- precision in degrees
Transforms decimal format latitude and longitude into the
if degree==nil then
structure to be used in displaying coordinates
return args[1];
local function parseDec( lat, long, format )
local coordinateSpec = {}
local errors = {}
if not long then
return nil, {{"parseDec", "Missing longitude"}}
elseif not tonumber(long) then
return nil, {{"parseDec", "Longitude could not be parsed as a number: " .. long}}
errors = validate( lat, nil, nil, long, nil, nil, 'parseDec', false );
coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] = lat;
coordinateSpec["dec-long"] = long;
local mode = coordinates.determineMode( lat, long );
coordinateSpec["dms-lat"] = convert_dec2dms( lat, "N", "S", mode) -- {{coord/dec2dms|{{{1}}}|N|S|{{coord/prec dec|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}}}
coordinateSpec["dms-long"] = convert_dec2dms( long, "E", "W", mode) -- {{coord/dec2dms|{{{2}}}|E|W|{{coord/prec dec|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}}}
if format then
coordinateSpec.default = format
coordinateSpec.default = "dec"
return p._deg2dms(degree, degPrec, args.lang)
return coordinateSpec, errors
Helper core function for deg2dms. deg2dms can be called by templates, while
_deg2dms should be called from Lua.
* degree - positive coordinate in degrees
* degPrec - coordinate precision in degrees will result in different angle format
* lang - language to used when formatting the number
function p._deg2dms(degree, degPrec, lang)
local dNum, mNum, sNum, dStr, mStr, sStr, formatStr, secPrec, c, k, zero
local Lang = mw.language.new(lang)
Transforms degrees, minutes, seconds format latitude and longitude
-- adjust number display based on precision
into the a structure to be used in displaying coordinates
secPrec = degPrec*3600.0 -- coordinate precision in seconds
if secPrec<0.05 then -- degPrec<1.3889e-05
local function parseDMS( lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_f, long_d, long_m, long_s, long_f, format )
formatStr = '%s°&nbsp;%s′&nbsp;%s″' -- use DD° MM′ SS.SS″ format
local coordinateSpec, errors, backward = {}, {}
c = 360000
elseif secPrec<0.5 then -- 1.3889e-05<degPrec<1.3889e-04
lat_f = lat_f:upper();
formatStr = '%s°&nbsp;%s′&nbsp;%s″' -- use DD° MM′ SS.S″ format
long_f = long_f:upper();
c = 36000
elseif degPrec*60.0<0.5 then -- 1.3889e-04<degPrec<0.0083
-- Check if specified backward
formatStr = '%s°&nbsp;%s′&nbsp;%s″' -- use DD° MM′ SS″ format
if lat_f == 'E' or lat_f == 'W' then
c = 3600
lat_d, long_d, lat_m, long_m, lat_s, long_s, lat_f, long_f, backward = long_d, lat_d, long_m, lat_m, long_s, lat_s, long_f, lat_f, true;
elseif degPrec<0.5 then -- 0.0083<degPrec<0.5
formatStr = '%s°&nbsp;%s′' -- use DD° MM′ format
c = 60
else -- if degPrec>0.5 then
formatStr = '%s°' -- use DD° format
c = 1
errors = validate( lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, long_d, long_m, long_s, 'parseDMS', true );
-- create degree, minute and seconds numbers and string
if not long_d then
d = c/60
return nil, {{"parseDMS", "Missing longitude" }}
k = math.floor(c*(degree%360)+0.49) -- convert float to an integer. This step HAS to be identical for all conversions to avoid incorrect results due to different rounding
elseif not tonumber(long_d) then
dNum = math.floor(k/c) % 360 -- degree number (integer in 0-360 range)
return nil, {{"parseDMS", "Longitude could not be parsed as a number:" .. long_d }}
mNum = math.floor(k/d) % 60 -- minute number (integer in 0-60 range)
sNum = 3600*(k%d) / c -- seconds number (float in 0-60 range with 0, 1 or 2 decimal digits)
dStr = Lang:formatNum(dNum) -- degree string
mStr = Lang:formatNum(mNum) -- minute string
sStr = Lang:formatNum(sNum) -- second string
zero = Lang:formatNum(0) -- zero string in local language
if mNum<10 then
mStr = zero .. mStr -- pad with zero if a single digit
if sNum<10 then
if not lat_m and not lat_s and not long_m and not long_s and #errors == 0 then
sStr = zero .. sStr -- pad with zero if less than ten
if math_mod._precision( lat_d ) > 0 or math_mod._precision( long_d ) > 0 then
if lat_f:upper() == 'S' then
return string.format(formatStr, dStr, mStr, sStr);
lat_d = '-' .. lat_d;
if long_f:upper() == 'W' then
long_d = '-' .. long_d;
return parseDec( lat_d, long_d, format );
coordinateSpec["dms-lat"] = lat_d.."°"..optionalArg(lat_m,"′") .. optionalArg(lat_s,"″") .. lat_f
coordinateSpec["dms-long"] = long_d.."°"..optionalArg(long_m,"′") .. optionalArg(long_s,"″") .. long_f
coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] = convert_dms2dec(lat_f, lat_d, lat_m, lat_s) -- {{coord/dms2dec|{{{4}}}|{{{1}}}|0{{{2}}}|0{{{3}}}}}
coordinateSpec["dec-long"] = convert_dms2dec(long_f, long_d, long_m, long_s) -- {{coord/dms2dec|{{{8}}}|{{{5}}}|0{{{6}}}|0{{{7}}}}}
if format then
coordinateSpec.default = format
coordinateSpec.default = "dms"
return coordinateSpec, errors, backward
Check the input arguments for coord to determine the kind of data being provided
Format coordinate location string, by creating and joining DMS strings for
and then make the necessary processing.
latitude and longitude. Also convert precision from meters to degrees.
local function formatTest(args)
* lat = latitude in degrees
local result, errors
* lon = longitude in degrees
local backward, primary = false, false
* lang = language code
* prec = geolocation precision in meters
local function getParam(args, lim)
local ret = {}
function p._lat_lon(lat, lon, prec, lang)
for i = 1, lim do
lat = tonumber(lat)
ret[i] = args[i] or ''
lon = tonumber(lon)
prec = math.abs(tonumber(prec) or 0)
if lon then -- get longitude to be in -180 to 180 range
if lon>180 then
lon = lon-360
return table.concat(ret, '_')
if lat==nil or lon==nil then
if not args[1] then
return NoLatLonString
-- no lat logic
return errorPrinter( {{"formatTest", "Missing latitude"}} )
elseif not tonumber(args[1]) then
-- bad lat logic
return errorPrinter( {{"formatTest", "Unable to parse latitude as a number:" .. args[1]}} )
elseif not args[4] and not args[5] and not args[6] then
-- dec logic
result, errors = parseDec(args[1], args[2], args.format)
if not result then
return errorPrinter(errors);
-- formatting for geohack: geohack expects D_N_D_E notation or D;D notation
-- wikiminiatlas doesn't support D;D notation
-- #coordinates parserfunction doesn't support negative decimals with NSWE
result.param = table.concat({
((tonumber(args[1]) or 0) < 0) and 'S' or 'N',
((tonumber(args[2]) or 0) < 0) and 'W' or 'E',
args[3] or ''}, '_')
elseif dmsTest(args[4], args[8]) then
-- dms logic
result, errors, backward = parseDMS(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4],
args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args.format)
if args[10] then
table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'})
if not result then
return errorPrinter(errors)
result.param = getParam(args, 9)
elseif dmsTest(args[3], args[6]) then
-- dm logic
result, errors, backward = parseDMS(args[1], args[2], nil, args[3],
args[4], args[5], nil, args[6], args['format'])
if args[8] then
table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'})
if not result then
return errorPrinter(errors)
result.param = getParam(args, 7)
elseif dmsTest(args[2], args[4]) then
-- d logic
result, errors, backward = parseDMS(args[1], nil, nil, args[2],
args[3], nil, nil, args[4], args.format)
if args[6] then
table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'})
if not result then
return errorPrinter(errors)
result.param = getParam(args, 5)
-- Error
local nsew = langSwitch(i18n.NSEW, lang) -- find set of localized translation of N, S, W and E in the desired language
return errorPrinter({{"formatTest", "Unknown argument format"}})
local SN, EW, latStr, lonStr, lon2m, lat2m, phi
if lat<0 then SN = nsew.S else SN = nsew.N end -- choose S or N depending on latitude degree sign
result.name = args.name
if lon<0 then EW = nsew.W else EW = nsew.E end -- choose W or E depending on longitude degree sign
local extra_param = {'dim', 'globe', 'scale', 'region', 'source', 'type'}
for _, v in ipairs(extra_param) do
if prec>0 then -- if user specified the precision of the geo location...
if args[v] then
phi = math.abs(lat)*math.pi/180 -- latitude in radiants
table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Parameter: "' .. v .. '=" should be "' .. v .. ':"' })
lon2m = 6378137*math.cos(phi)*math.pi/180 -- see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longitude
lat2m = 111000 -- average latitude degree size in meters
latStr = p._deg2dms(math.abs(lat), prec/lat2m, lang) -- Convert latitude degrees to degrees/minutes/seconds
lonStr = p._deg2dms(math.abs(lon), prec/lon2m, lang) -- Convert longitude degrees to degrees/minutes/seconds
return string.format('%s&nbsp;%s, %s&nbsp;%s', latStr, SN, lonStr, EW)
--return string.format('<span class="latitude">%s %s</span>, <span class="longitude">%s %s</span>', latStr, SN, lonStr, EW)
local ret = specPrinter(args, result)
if #errors > 0 then
ret = ret .. ' ' .. errorPrinter(errors) .. '[[Category:Pages with malformed coordinate tags]]'
return ret, backward
function p.lat_lon(frame)
Generate Wikidata tracking categories.
local args = getArgs(frame)
return p._lat_lon(args.lat, args.lon, args.prec, args.lang)
local function makeWikidataCategories()
local ret
if mw.wikibase and current_page.namespace == 0 then
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
if entity and entity.claims and entity.claims.P625 and entity.claims.P625[1] then
local snaktype = entity.claims.P625[1].mainsnak.snaktype
if snaktype == 'value' then
-- coordinates exist both here and on Wikidata, and can be compared.
ret = 'Coordinates on Wikidata'
elseif snaktype == 'somevalue' then
ret = 'Coordinates on Wikidata set to unknown value'
elseif snaktype == 'novalue' then
ret = 'Coordinates on Wikidata set to no value'
-- We have to either import the coordinates to Wikidata or remove them here.
ret = 'Coordinates not on Wikidata'
if ret then
return string.format('[[Category:%s]]', ret)
return ''
Create URL for different sites.
* site = Possible sites: GeoHack, GoogleEarth, Proximityrama,
OpenStreetMap, GoogleMaps (for Earth, Mars and Moon)
* globe = Possible options: Earth, Mars or Moon. Venus, Mercury, Titan,
Ganymede are also supported but are unused as of 2013.
* lat = latitude string or number
* lon = longitude string or number
* lang = language code
* attributes = attributes to be passed to GeoHack
function p.externalLink(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return p._externalLink(args.site or 'GeoHack', args.globe or 'Earth', args.lat, args.lon, args.lang, args.attributes or '')
Helper core function for externalLink. Create URL for different sites:
* site = Possible sites: GeoHack, GoogleEarth, Proximityrama,
OpenStreetMap, GoogleMaps (for Earth, Mars and Moon)
* globe = Possible options: Earth, Mars or Moon. Venus, Mercury, Titan,
Ganymede are also supported but are unused as of 2013.
* latStr = latitude string or number
* lonStr = longitude string or number
* lang = language code
* attributes = attributes to be passed to GeoHack
function p._externalLink(site, globe, latStr, lonStr, lang, attributes, level)
local URLstr = SiteURL[site];
level = level or 1
local pageName = mw.uri.encode( mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText, 'WIKI' )
pageName = mw.ustring.gsub( pageName, '%%', '%%%%')
Simple function to export the coordinates link for other uses.
if site == 'GoogleMaps' then
URLstr = SiteURL.GoogleMaps[globe]
elseif site == 'GeoHack' then
attributes = string.format('globe:%s_%s', globe, attributes)
URLstr = mw.ustring.gsub( URLstr, '$attr', attributes)
URLstr = mw.ustring.gsub( URLstr, '$lat' , latStr)
URLstr = mw.ustring.gsub( URLstr, '$lon' , lonStr)
URLstr = mw.ustring.gsub( URLstr, '$lang' , lang)
URLstr = mw.ustring.gsub( URLstr, '$level', level)
URLstr = mw.ustring.gsub( URLstr, '$page' , pageName)
URLstr = mw.ustring.gsub( URLstr, '+', '')
URLstr = mw.ustring.gsub( URLstr, ' ', '_')
return URLstr
{{#invoke:Coordinates | link }}
Adjust GeoHack attributes depending on the template that calls it
* attributes = attributes to be passed to GeoHack
function coordinates.link(frame)
* mode = set by each calling template
return coord_link;
function p.alterAttributes(attributes, mode)
-- indicate which template called it
if mode=='camera' then -- Used by {{Location}} and {{Location dec}}
if string.find(attributes, 'type:camera')==nil then
attributes = 'type:camera_' .. attributes
elseif mode=='object'or mode =='globe' then -- Used by {{Object location}}
if mode=='object' and string.find(attributes, 'type:')==nil then
attributes = 'type:object_' .. attributes
if string.find(attributes, 'class:object')==nil then
attributes = 'class:object_' .. attributes
elseif mode=='inline' then -- Used by {{Inline coordinates}} (actually that template does not set any attributes at the moment)
elseif mode=='user' then -- Used by {{User location}}
attributes = 'type:user_location'
elseif mode=='institution' then --Used by {{Institution/coordinates}} (categories only)
attributes = 'type:institution'
return attributes
Wrapper to allow templates to call dec2dms directly.
{{#invoke:Coordinates | dec2dms | decimal_coordinate | positive_suffix |
negative_suffix | precision }}
decimal_coordinate is converted to DMS format. If positive, the positive_suffix
is appended (typical N or E), if negative, the negative suffix is appended. The
Create link to GeoHack tool which displays latitude and longitude coordinates
specified precision is one of 'D', 'DM', or 'DMS' to specify the level of detail
in DMS format
to use.
* globe = Possible options: Earth, Mars or Moon. Venus, Mercury, Titan,
coordinates.dec2dms = makeInvokeFunc('_dec2dms')
Ganymede are also supported but are unused as of 2013.
function coordinates._dec2dms(args)
* lat = latitude in degrees
local coordinate = args[1]
* lon = longitude in degrees
local firstPostfix = args[2] or ''
* lang = language code
local secondPostfix = args[3] or ''
* prec = geolocation precision in meters
local precision = args[4] or ''
* attributes = attributes to be passed to GeoHack
return convert_dec2dms(coordinate, firstPostfix, secondPostfix, precision)
function p.GeoHack_link(frame)
return p._GeoHack_link(getArgs(frame))
function p._GeoHack_link(args)
Helper function to determine whether to use D, DM, or DMS
-- create link and coordintate string
format depending on the precision of the decimal input.
local latlon = p._lat_lon(args.lat, args.lon, args.prec, args.lang)
if latlon==NoLatLonString then
function coordinates.determineMode( value1, value2 )
return latlon
local precision = math.max( math_mod._precision( value1 ), math_mod._precision( value2 ) );
if precision <= 0 then
return 'd'
elseif precision <= 2 then
return 'dm';
return 'dms';
local url = p._externalLink('GeoHack', args.globe or 'Earth', args.lat, args.lon, args.lang, args.attributes or '')
return string.format('<span class="plainlinksneverexpand">[%s %s]</span>', url, latlon) --<span class="plainlinks nourlexpansion">
Create full external links section of {{Location}} or {{Object location}}
templates, based on:
Wrapper to allow templates to call dms2dec directly.
* globe = Possible options: Earth, Mars or Moon. Venus, Mercury, Titan, Ganymede are also supported but are unused as of 2013.
* mode = Possible options:
- camera - call from {{location}}
{{#invoke:Coordinates | dms2dec | direction_flag | degrees |
- object - call from {{Object location}}
minutes | seconds }}
- globe - call from {{Globe location}}
* lat = latitude in degrees
Converts DMS values specified as degrees, minutes, seconds too decimal format.
* lon = longitude in degrees
direction_flag is one of N, S, E, W, and determines whether the output is
* lang = language code
positive (i.e. N and E) or negative (i.e. S and W).
* namespace = namespace name: File, Category, (Gallery)
coordinates.dms2dec = makeInvokeFunc('_dms2dec')
function p.externalLinksSection(frame)
function coordinates._dms2dec(args)
return p._externalLinksSection(getArgs(frame))
local direction = args[1]
local degrees = args[2]
local minutes = args[3]
local seconds = args[4]
return convert_dms2dec(direction, degrees, minutes, seconds)
function p._externalLinksSection(args)
local lang = args.lang
if not args.namespace then
Main entry point for Lua function to replace {{coord}}
args.namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace
{{#invoke:Coordinates | coord }}
{{#invoke:Coordinates | coord | lat | long }}
{{#invoke:Coordinates | coord | lat | lat_flag | long | long_flag }}
Refer to {{coord}} documentation page for many additional parameters and
local str, link1, link2
configuration options.
if args.globe=='Earth' and args.namespace~="Category" then -- Earth locations for files will have 2 links
link1 = p._externalLink('OpenStreetMap1', 'Earth', args.lat, args.lon, lang, '')
Note: This function provides the visual display elements of {{coord}}. In
link2 = p._externalLink('GoogleEarth' , 'Earth', args.lat, args.lon, lang, '')
order to load coordinates into the database, the {{#coordinates:}} parser
str = string.format('[%s %s] - [%s %s]',
function must also be called, this is done automatically in the Lua
link1, langSwitch(i18n.OpenStreetMaps, lang),
version of {{coord}}.
link2, langSwitch(i18n.GoogleEarth, lang))
elseif args.globe=='Earth' and args.namespace=="Category" then -- Earth locations for categories will have 4 links
coordinates.coord = makeInvokeFunc('_coord')
link1 = p._externalLink('OpenStreetMap2', 'Earth', args.lat, args.lon, lang, '', args.catRecurse)
function coordinates._coord(args)
link2 = p._externalLink('GoogleMaps' , 'Earth', args.lat, args.lon, lang, '', args.catRecurse)
if (not args[1] or not tonumber(args[1])) and not args[2] and mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() then
link3 = p._externalLink('GoogleEarth' , 'Earth', args.lat, args.lon, lang, '')
args[3] = args[1]; args[1] = nil
link4 = p._externalLink('Proximityrama' , 'Earth', args.lat, args.lon, lang, '')
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
str = string.format('[%s %s] - [%s %s] - [%s %s] - [%s %s]',
if entity
link1, langSwitch(i18n.OpenStreetMaps, lang),
and entity.claims
link2, langSwitch(i18n.GoogleMaps, lang),
and entity.claims.P625
link3, langSwitch(i18n.GoogleEarth, lang),
and entity.claims.P625[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value'
link4, langSwitch(i18n.Proximityrama, lang))
elseif args.globe=='Mars' or args.globe=='Moon' then
local precision = entity.claims.P625[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.precision
link1 = p._externalLink('GoogleMaps', args.globe, args.lat, args.lon, lang, '')
str = string.format('[%s %s]', link1, langSwitch(i18n.GoogleMaps, lang))
if precision then
local contents, backward = formatTest(args)
return str
local Notes = args.notes or ''
local Display = args.display and args.display:lower() or 'inline'
local function isInline(s)
-- Finds whether coordinates are displayed inline.
Core section of template:Location, template:Object location and template:Globe location.
return s:find('inline') ~= nil or s == 'i' or s == 'it' or s == 'ti'
This method requires several arguments to be passed to it or it's parent method/template:
* globe = Possible options: Earth, Mars or Moon. Venus, Mercury, Titan, Ganymede are also supported but are unused as of 2013.
* mode = Possible options:
- camera - call from {{location}}
- object - call from {{Object location}}
- globe - call from {{Globe location}}
* lat = latitude in degrees
* lon = longitude in degrees
* attributes = attributes
* lang = language code
* namespace = namespace: File, Category, Gallery
* prec = geolocation precision in meters
function p.LocationTemplateCore(frame)
-- prepare arguments
args = frame.args
if not args or not args.lat then -- if no arguments provided than use parent arguments
args = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args
local function isInTitle(s)
if not (args.lang and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(args.lang)) then
-- Finds whether coordinates are displayed in the title.
args.lang = frame:callParserFunction("int","lang") -- get user's chosen language
return s:find('title') ~= nil or s == 't' or s == 'it' or s == 'ti'
if not (args.namespace) then -- if namespace not provided than look it up
local function coord_wrapper(in_args)
args.namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace
-- Calls the parser function {{#coordinates:}}.
return mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('#coordinates', in_args) or ''
if args.namespace=='' then -- if empty than it is a gallery
local text = ''
args.namespace = 'Gallery'
if isInline(Display) then
text = text .. displayinline(contents, Notes)
if isInTitle(Display) then
local bare = yesno(args.bare,false)
text = text
local Status = 'primary' -- used by {{#coordinates:}}
.. displaytitle(contents, Notes)
if yesno(args.secondary,false) then
.. makeWikidataCategories()
Status = 'secondary'
localif attributes0 =not args.attributesnosave then
local page_title, count = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(), 1
args.attributes = p.alterAttributes(args.attributes or '', args.mode)
if backward then
local tmp = {}
-- Convert coordinates from string to numbers
while not string.find((args[count-1] or ''), '[EW]') do tmp[count] = (args[count] or ''); count = count+1 end
local lat = tonumber(args.lat)
tmp.count = count; count = 2*(count-1)
local lon = tonumber(args.lon)
while count >= tmp.count do table.insert(tmp, 1, (args[count] or '')); count = count-1 end
if lon then -- get longitude to be in -180 to 180 range
for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do args[i] = v end
if lon>180 then
while count <= 9 do args[count] = (args[count] or ''); count = count+1 end
lon = lon-360
if isInTitle(Display) and not page_title.isTalkPage and page_title.subpageText ~= 'doc' and page_title.subpageText ~= 'testcases' then args[10] = 'primary' end
args.notes, args.format, args.display = nil
text = text .. coord_wrapper(args)
return text
-- If wikidata link provided than compare coordinates
local Categories, geoMicroFormat, coorTag, wikidata_link = '', '', '', ''
if args.wikidata and args.wikidata~='' then
local dist_str
-- if lat/lon is not provided but we are given wikidata q-code than look up the coordinates
lat, lon, q, Categories, dist_str = mergeWithWikidata(args.wikidata, lat, lon)
wikidata_link = string.format("\n[[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|20px|Edit coordinates on Wikidata%s|link=wikidata:%s]]", dist_str, q);
args.lat = string.format('%010.6f', lat or 0)
args.lon = string.format('%011.6f', lon or 0)
Extracts a single value from a transclusion of {{Coord}}.
-- Categories, {{#coordinates}} and geoMicroFormat will be only added to File, Category and Gallery pages
if (args.namespace == 'File' or args.namespace == 'Category' or args.namespace == 'Gallery') then
if lat and lon then -- if lat and lon are numbers...
if lat==0 and lon==0 then -- lat=0 and lon=0 is a common issue when copying from flickr and other sources
Categories = Categories .. CoorCat.default
if attributes0 and string.find(attributes0, '=') then
Categories = Categories .. CoorCat.attribute
if args.error=='1' or (math.abs(lat)>90) then -- check for errors ({{#coordinates:}} also checks for errors )
Categories = Categories .. CoorCat.erroneous
local cat = CoorCat[args.namespace]
if cat then -- add category based on namespace
Categories = Categories .. cat
-- if not earth than add a category for each globe
if args.mode and args.globe and args.mode=='globe' and args.globe~='Earth' then
Categories = Categories .. string.format(CoorCat[args.mode], args.globe)
-- add <span class="geo"> Geo (microformat) code: it is included for machine readability
geoMicroFormat = string.format('<span class="geo" style="display:none">%10.6f; %11.6f</span>',lat, lon)
-- add {{#coordinates}} tag, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GeoData
if args.namespace == 'File' and Status == 'primary' and args.mode=='camera' then
coorTag = frame:callParserFunction( '#coordinates', { 'primary', lat, lon, args.attributes } )
elseif args.namespace == 'File' and args.mode=='object' then
coorTag = frame:callParserFunction( '#coordinates', { lat, lon, args.attributes } )
else -- if lat and lon are not numbers then add error category
Categories = Categories .. CoorCat.erroneous
{{#invoke:Coordinates | coord2text | {{Coord}} | parameter }}
-- Call helper functions to render different parts of the template
local coor, info_link, inner_table, heading, OSM = '','','','','','',''
Valid values for the second parameter are: lat (signed integer), long (signed integer), type, scale, dim, region, globe, source
coor = p._GeoHack_link(args) -- the p and link to GeoHack
heading = p._getHeading(attributes0) -- get heading arrow section
if heading then
function coordinates.coord2text(frame)
local k = math.fmod(math.floor(0.5+math.fmod(heading+360,360)/11.25),32)+1
if frame.args[1] == '' or frame.args[2] == '' or not frame.args[2] then return nil end
local fname = heading_icon[k]
frame.args[2] = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2])
coor = string.format('%s&nbsp;&nbsp;<span title="%s°">[[%s|25px|link=|alt=Heading=%s°]]</span>', coor, heading, fname, heading)
if frame.args[2] == 'lat' or frame.args[2] == 'long' then
local result, negative = mw.text.split((mw.ustring.match(frame.args[1],'[%.%d]+°[NS] [%.%d]+°[EW]') or ''), ' ')
if args.globe=='Earth' then
localif iconframe.args[2] == 'markerlat' then
result, negative = result[1], 'S'
if args.mode=='camera' then
icon = 'camera'
result, negative = result[2], 'W'
result = mw.text.split(result, '°')
OSM = frame:preprocess(add_maplink(args.lat, args.lon, icon, '[[File:Openstreetmap logo.svg|20px|link=|Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.]]')) -- fancy link to OSM
if result[2] == negative then result[1] = '-'..result[1] end
return result[1]
external_link = p._externalLinksSection(args) -- external link section
if external_link and args.namespace == 'File' then
external_link = langSwitch(i18n.LocationTemplateLinkLabel, args.lang) .. ' ' .. external_link -- header of the link section for {{location}} template
elseif external_link then
external_link = langSwitch(i18n.ObjectLocationTemplateLinkLabel, args.lang) .. ' ' .. external_link -- header of the link section for {{Object location}} template
info_link = string.format('[[File:Circle-information.svg|18x18px|alt=info|link=%s]]', langSwitch(i18n.COM_GEO, args.lang) )
inner_table = string.format('<td style="border:none;">%s&nbsp;%s</td><td style="border:none;">%s</td><td style="border:none;">%s%s%s</td>',
coor, OSM, external_link or '', info_link, wikidata_link, geoMicroFormat)
-- combine strings into a table
local templateText
if bare then
templateText = string.format('<table style="width:100%%"><tr>%s</tr></table>', inner_table)
return mw.ustring.match(frame.args[1], 'params=.-_'..frame.args[2]..':(.-)[ _]')
-- choose name of the field
local field_name = 'Location'
if args.mode=='camera' then
field_name = langSwitch(i18n.CameraLocation, args.lang)
elseif args.mode=='object' then
field_name = langSwitch(i18n.ObjectLocation, args.lang)
elseif args.mode=='globe' then
Injects some text into the Geohack link of a transclusion of {{Coord}} (if that text isn't already in the transclusion). Outputs the modified transclusion of {{Coord}}.
field_list = langSwitch(i18n.GlobeLocation, args.lang)
if args.globe and i18n.GlobeLocation['en'][args.globe] then -- verify globe is provided and is recognized
field_name = field_list[args.globe]
{{#invoke:Coordinates | coordinsert | {{Coord}} | parameter:value | parameter:value | … }}
Do not make Geohack unhappy by inserting something which isn't mentioned in the {{Coord}} documentation.
function coordinates.coordinsert(frame)
for i, v in ipairs(frame.args) do
if i ~= 1 then
if not mw.ustring.find(frame.args[1], (mw.ustring.match(frame.args[i], '^(.-:)') or '')) then
frame.args[1] = mw.ustring.gsub(frame.args[1], '(params=.-)_? ', '%1_'..frame.args[i]..' ')
--Create HTML text
local dir, text_align
if mw.language.new( args.lang ):isRTL() then
dir = 'rtl'
text_align = 'right'
dir = 'ltr'
text_align = 'left'
local style = string.format('class="toccolours mw-content-%s layouttemplate commons-file-information-table" cellpadding="2" style="width: 100%%; direction:%s;" lang="%s"',
args.lang, dir, text_align, args.lang)
templateText = string.format('<table lang="%s" %s><tr><th class="type fileinfo-paramfield">%s</th>%s</tr></table>', args.lang, style, field_name, inner_table)
if frame.args.name then
return templateText .. Categories .. coorTag
if not mw.ustring.find(frame.args[1], '<span class="vcard">') then
local namestr = frame.args.name
frame.args[1] = mw.ustring.gsub(frame.args[1],
'(<span class="geo%-default">)(<span[^<>]*>[^<>]*</span><span[^<>]*>[^<>]*<span[^<>]*>[^<>]*</span></span>)(</span>)',
'%1<span class="vcard">%2<span style="display:none">&#xfeff; (<span class="fn org">' .. namestr .. '</span>)</span></span>%3')
frame.args[1] = mw.ustring.gsub(frame.args[1], '(&params=[^&"<>%[%] ]*) ', '%1&title=' .. mw.uri.encode(namestr) .. ' ')
return frame.args[1]
return pcoordinates